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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

forex markets

Forex market is all about trading between countries, currencies and countries when investing in certain currencies. Forex market, or the foreign exchange market is trading between countries, usually equipped with a broker or finance company. Many people involved in forex trading, which is similar to stock market trading, but FX trading is completed on a larger scale as a whole. Most of the trade does not occur between banks, governments, brokers and a small amount of trade will take place in the average retail settings where a person involved in the trade known as the audience.

Financial market and financial conditions that make the forex market trading go up and down every day. Millions are traded each day between the lot of the largest countries and this will include some amount of trading countries are also smaller.

From research over the years, most of the trading in the forex market is between the bank and this is called interbank. Banks make about 50 percent of trading in the forex market. If the banks are widely using this method to make money for shareholders and to improve their own business, you know the money must be there for small investors, fund mangers will be used to increase the amount of interest paid to accounts. Banks trade money daily to increase the amount of money they hold. Overnight a bank will invest millions in forex markets, and then the next day to make money available to the public in their savings, checking accounts and so forth.

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Anonymous said...
pada hari 

good news n tankz for sharing

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